This are the students who obtained their doctorat under Jörg´s supervision (year | thesis | university), underneath is a list of those students who also obtained their “Habilitation”.
Autexier, Serge
2003 | Hierarchical Contexual Reasoning | Saarland University |
Müller, Jörg
1996 | The Design of Intelligente Agents | Saarland University |
Baader, Franz
1989 | Unifikation und Reduktionssysteme für Halbgruppenvarietäten | Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg |
Nutt-Wahlmann, Werner
1993 | Algorithms for Constraints in Deduction and Knowledge Representation | Saarland University |
Beierle, Christoph
1985 | Algebraic Implementations in an Integrated Software Development and Verification System | University of Kaiserslautern |
Ohlbach, Hans Jürgen
1988 | A Resolution Calculus for Modal Logics | University of Kaiserslautern |
Benzmüller, Christoph
1999 | Equality and Extensionality in Automated Higher-Order Theorem Proving | Saarland University |
Pischel, Markus |
Bläsius, Karl Hans
1986 | Equality Reasoning Based on Graphs | University of Kaiserslautern |
Präcklein, Axel
1992 | Integration of Rewriting, Narrowing, Compilation, and Heuristics for Equality Reasoning in Resolution-Based Theorem Proving | Saarland University |
Buchheit, Martin
1995 | Terminological Formalisms in Knowledge Representation and Database Systems | Saarland University |
Puppe, Frank
1986 | Assoziatives Diagnostisches Problemlösen mit dem Expertensystem-Shell MED2| University of Kaiserslautern |
Bürckert, Hans-Jürgen
1990 | A Resolution Principle for a Logic with Restricted Quantifiers | University of Kaiserslautern |
Rock, Georg
2004 | Formal Methods for Real-Time Requirements Engineering | Saarland University |
Eisinger, Norbert
1988 | Completeness, Confluence and Related Properties of Clause Graph Resolution | University of Kaiserslautern |
Ruggeri, Rosa |
Fehrer, Detlef
1995 | A Unifying Logical Framework for Reason Maintenance | Saarland University |
Ruß, Christian
2015 | Agentenbasierte marktliche Koordination von Wertschöpfungsnetzwerken | Saarland University |
Fiedler, Armin
2001 | User-Adaptive Proof Explanation | Saarland University |
Schairer, Axel
2006 | Transformations of Specifications and Proofs to support an Evolutionary Formal Software Development | Saarland University |
Funk, Petra
2003 | Intermodal Transport Chains: A Multiagent Systems Approach | Saarland University |
Schild, Klaus
1995 | Querying Knowledge and Data Bases by a Universal Description Logic with Recursion | Saarland University |
Furche, Andreas
2001 | Examiner’s Report – The model of token money |
Schiller, Marvin
2010 | Granularity Analysis for Tutoring Mathematical Proofs | Saarland University |
Gerber, Andreas
2005 | Flexible Kooperation zwischen Autonomen Agenten in Dynamischen Umgebungen | Saarland University |
Schillo, Michael
2004 | Multiagent Robustness: Autonomy vs. Organization | Saarland University |
Gerber, Christian
1999 | Self-Adaption and Scalability in Multi-Agent Societies | Saarland University |
Schmidt-Schauß, Manfred
1988 | Computational Aspects of an Order-Sorted Logic with Term Declarations | University of Kaiserslautern |
Goguadze, Giorgi
2010 | ACTIVEMATH – Generation and Reuse of Interactive Exercises using Domain Reasoners and Automated Strategies | Saarland University |
Schupeta, Achim |
Güsgen, Hans-Werner
1987 | CONSAT: A System for Constraint Satisfaction | University of Kaiserslautern |
Schwaiger, Arndt
2006 | Modellierung und Analyse individuellen Konsumentenverhaltens mit probabilistischen Holonen | Saarland University |
Herold, Alexander
1987 | Combination of Unification Algorithms in Equational Theories | University of Kaiserslautern |
Sengler, Claus
1996 | Induction on Non-Freely Generated Data Types | Saarland University |
Hohlfeld, Bernhard
1987 | Zur Verifikation von modular zerlegten Programmen | University of Kaiserslautern |
Smolka, Gert
1989 | Logic Programming over Polymorphically Order-Sorted Types| University of Kaiserslautern |
Hollunder, Bernhard
1994 | Algorithmic Foundations of Terminological Knowledge Representation Systems | Saarland University |
Socher-Ambrosius, Rolf
1990 | Simplification and Reduction for Automated Theorem Proving | University of Kaiserslautern |
Huang, Xiaoxong
1996 | Human Oriented Proof Presentation: A Reconstructive Approach | Saarland University |
Soto, Esteban Léon
2012 | Multi-Agent Communication for the Realization of Business-Processes| Saarland University |
Jung, Christoph
1999 | Theory and Practice of Hybrid Agents | Saarland University |
Sorge, Volker
2001 | W-Ants – A Blackboard Architecture for the Integration of Reasoning Techniques into Proof Planning| Saarland University |
Kerber, Manfred
1992 | On the Representation of Mathematical Concepts and their Translation into First-Order Logic | University of Kaiserslautern |
Stahmer, Björn Patrick
2006 | SimMarket: Simulation des Abkaufsverhaltens von Artikeln des Einzelhandels mit probabilitischen Agenten | Saarland University |
Kohlhase, Michael
1994 | A Mechanization of Sorted Higher-Order Logic Based on the Resolution Priciple | Saarland University |
Steffens, Hans-Jürgen
1993 | Logische Räume |
Konrad, Karsten
2000 | Model Generation for Natural Language Interpretation and Analysis | Saarland University |
Struß, Peter
1988 | Structuring of Models and Reasoning about Quantities in Qualitative Physics | Universität Kaiserslautern |
Laux, Armin
1995 | Contraints and Modalities in Terminological Knowledge Representation Systems | Saarland University |
Szabó, Peter
1982 | Unifikationstheorie erster Ordnung | University of Karlsruhe |
Libbrecht, Paul
2012 | Authoring of Semantic Mathematical Content for Learning on the Web | Saarland University |
Tsovaltzi, Dimitra
2009 | MENON: Automating a Socratic Teaching Model for Mathematical Proofs | Saarland University |
Lind, Jürgen
2000 | MASSIVE: Software Engineering for Multiagent Systems | Saarland University |
Ullrich, Carsten
2007 | Course Generation as a Hierarchical Task Network Planning Problem | Saarland University |
Lingenfelder, Christoph
1990 | Transformation and Structuring of Computer Generated Proofs | Universität Kaiserslautern |
Vierke, Gero
2000 | TELETRUCK. A Holonic Multi-Agent System for Telematics | Saarland University |
Lux, Andreas
1995 | Kooperative Mensch-Maschine Arbeit – Ein Modellierungsumsatz und dessen Umsetzung im Rahmen des Systems MEKKA | Saarland University |
von Martial, Frank
1991 | Coordinating Plans of Autonomous Agents | Saarland University |
Mantel, Heiko
2003 | A Uniform Framework for the Formal Specification and Verification of Information Flow Security | Saarland University |
Voss, Angelika
1985 | Algebraic Specifications in an Integrated Software Development and Verification System | University of Kaiserslautern |
Meier, Andreas
2003 | Proof Planning with Multiple Strategies | Saarland University | mit Erica Melis |
Wagner, Marc
2010 | A Change-Oriented Architecture for Mathematical Authoring Assistance | Saarland University |
Mora, Christián Madrigal
2012 | A Model-Driven Approach for Organizations in Multiagents Systems | Saarland University |
Walther, Christoph
1984 | Ein mehrsortiger Resolutionskalkül mit Paramodulation | University of Kaiserslautern |
Müller, Heinz Jürgen
1988 | Theorembeweisen mit Rewrite-Techniken. Methode, Strategien und Vergleiche | University of Kaiserslautern |
Zimmer, Jürgen
2008 | MathServe – A Framework for Semantic Reasoning Services | Saarland University |
Baader, Franz | Kohlhase, Michael |
Benzmüller, Christoph | Melis, Erica |
Klusch, Matthias | Schlechta, Karl |