Prof. Dr. (Ph. D.) grad. Ing. Jörg Siekmann
Universität des Saarlandes/DFKI
Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3
D – 66123 Saarbrücken
Tel.: +49-681-85775-5275
mobil: 0049-175-290.1872
Date and place of birth: Heidelberg, 5. August 1941 Nationality: deutsch
Education and studies
Ph. D. in Computer Science | 1976 | University of Essex, England |
M. Sc. in Computer Science | 1973 | University of Essex, England |
Vordiplom Mathematics/Physics | 1971 | Universität Göttingen |
A-level, adult education institution | 1967-69 | Braunschweig-Kolleg |
grad. engineer wood technology | 1965-67 | Holztechnikum Rosenheim |
welder and locksmith | 1963-64 | Bückeburg |
apprenticeship carpenter | 1959-62 | Bückeburg |
school in Bückeburg | -1958 | Adolphinum |
Professional background
University of Karlsruhe | Scientific Assistant | 1976 – 1979 |
University of Karlsruhe | Assistant Professor | 1980 – 1982 |
Technical University Kaiserslautern | Professor for AI | 1983 – 1990 |
Saarland University | Professor for Computer Science and AI | 1991 – 2006 |
Deutsches Forschungszentrum für
Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI) |
Scientific Director at DFKI, the German Research Centre for Artififial Intelligence | 1989 – 2006 |
Centre for e-Learning Technology (CeLTech) | Scientific Director | 2006 – 2014 |
Saarland University/DFKI | Coordinator for digital education of the UdS | 2016 – today |
Saarland University/DFKI | Seniorprofessor | 2006 – today |
Academic Interests
Main field | Artificial Intelligence (AI) |
Research Areas | Deduction Systems, Proof Planning, Unification Theory,
e-Learning for Mathematics, Buddhism and Artificial Intelligence |
Stipendiat der Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes
Fellow of the European Coordinating Committee of AI (EurAI)
Fellow of the German Computer Science Society (GI)
Vice Chairman of the International Federation on Computational Logic (IFCoLog)
Founding and current Chairman of the European Network of Excellence CoLoG-Net
Past and Founding Chairman of the German AI Society within the GI
Chairman of the Collaborative Research Centre (SFB 378) on ‘Resource bounded cognitive Processes’
Founding and Research Director of CeLTech
Chairman des Advisory Boards of the Portuguese AI-institut CENTRIA
Advisory Board of the Iclandic AI-Institute I³M (Islandic Institute for Intelligent Machines)
Adjunct Professor of Fudan University, Shanghai (China)
Numerous (with research assistants > 1000) publications in books, international journals and proceedings
- Website:
- ‘Who-is-who in the World’
Selected Publications: